Making decisions is a difficult task for many business leaders, especially if the decision will have significant impact. Having an intelligent decision-making process is critical for even seasoned, top-level leaders. Possessing the ability to make wise decisions quickly in the context of the organization culture is a crucial skill says John Mattone, a recognized expert leadership. In his new book, Intelligent Leadership, Mattone breaks down great decision making into seven steps.
Making Decisions in 7 Steps:
Use your head to make rational decisions. Collect, analyze, and use accurate data from multiple relevant sources and objectively assess the impact of various decisions.
Honor your values. Make decisions that are aligned with the core values of the organization.
Trust your instincts. As you gain experience, your blink instinctively knows the right course of action. Trust it and remove obstacles that might impede its implementation.
Make wise decisions by integrating your head, heart, and gut. You need to have high emotional intelligence to be able to understand how your analysis, values, and instincts are related–and then make the right decision.
Respect the organizational culture. Know, respect, and—in most cases—honor the organization’s expectations regarding how decisions are best made and executed.
Follow the organization’s decision-making authority structure. Understand and use the decisionmaking lines of authority and delegate decision making when appropriate and effective.
- Factor in the context of the decision. Is it urgent? Are there risks involved? Is there a strategic priority?
Adapted with permission from Intelligent Leadership: What You Need to Know to Unlock Your Full Potential by John Mattone (AMACOM).