We are pleased you’ve chosen in-person learning! 

It is important to us that our clients, facilitators, and staff are in a safe environment.  Our aim is to enable learners to focus on learning and our facilitators and staff to focus on providing a world-class learning experience.  As such, we are following all public health guidelines very closely. 

Vaccination Requirement

  • You must be fully vaccinated to participate in an open enrolment, in-person training course.   
  • Exemptions.  Clients with a written document provided by a physician or a nurse practitioner, stating that they are exempt for a medical reason from being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and the effective time period. You will be required to provide a negative test result dated no more than 72 hours prior to your session. 

    According to Public Health, a person is fully vaccinated if:

    • They have received a full series of a COVID-19 vaccine authorized by Health Canada (HC), or any combination of such vaccines, or
    • One or two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine not authorized by HC, followed by one dose of a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine authorized by HC, or
    • Three doses of a COVID-19 vaccine not authorized by HC
    • They received their final dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at least 14 days before providing the proof of being fully vaccinated.

What do I need to bring to prove I’m fully vaccinated? 

  • You must show the QR Code issued by the Ministry of Health showing you have received at least 2 valid doses and the date of your last dose.  Paper receipts will no longer be accepted as proof of vaccination. 
  • Acceptable forms of identification include a Driver's License, Citizenship Card, Government-issued identification card (ie. Health Card), Indian Status Card/Indigenous Membership Card, Passport, Permanent Resident Card.

What to expect when you arrive to participate in a classroom session

  1. You will be asked to complete the Government Screening questionnaire at the start of your training session. 
  1. Masks
    Masks must be worn by all participants, facilitators and staff in all classrooms and in common areas of public program training locations. 
  2. Physical Distancing
    Classes are capped at approximately 50% of the room capacity to enable distancing between participants and the facilitator.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What happens if I feel unwell, or may have been exposed to COVID-19 in the days leading up to my session? 
    Our cancellation and refund policies still apply.  However, If you are feeling unwell, or have been advised to isolate by a medical professional, please contact us to reschedule with no penalty.  If you learn of your exposure during your course, please advise the facilitator, contact your Account Manager and reschedule your attendance. 
  2. What if I feel unwell during my session? 
    If you are feeling unwell, please advise the facilitator and your Account Manager and leave the session.  If you are attending a multi-day course and fall ill overnight, please contact your Account Manager at 1-866-929-1590 to reschedule into the next session with no penalty.  
  3. What happens if I arrive on the first day and I am not comfortable with the room set up? 
    Being in a safe and secure and secure environment is vital to successful learning. We are doing our best to ensure the health and safety of our clients, facilitators, and staff by closely following all public health guidelines.  While you are making your decision about attending training, please also spend time evaluating how safe you feel while in public spaces (such as restaurants) before you register for an in-person session.  If you arrive and are uncomfortable with the environment, we will try to address your concerns.  If you are still uncomfortable, we will reschedule you into virtual learning with no penalty. 
  4. What if I am diagnosed with COVID-19 within 14 days of my course?
    Please contact your account manager (1-866-929-1590) to advise us of your diagnosis.  We will contact all other participants to advise them of possible exposure in their session and ask them to follow the current advice of local public health authorities. 

At Canadian Management Centre, we strive to give you the best learning experience possible.  If you have any other questions concerning your upcoming session, please let us know.  cmcinfo@cmcoutperform.com or 1-866-929-1590

Stay Connected

Copyright © 2024 CANADIAN MANAGEMENT CENTRE - PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, MANAGEMENT & CAREER TRAINING | 150 King Street West, Suite 271 Toronto, ON  M5H 1J9, Canada | cmcinfo@cmcoutperform.com