Putting their Mission in Scope to Engage Employees

There’s something compelling about a technology company with a mission to make the world a safer place. For the people who work at Forensic Technology, it’s highly motivating as well. Named one of Canada’s Top 50 Small to Medium Employers for 2012, Forensic Technology produces ballistic identification systems that make it possible to solve crimes faster, more accurately and effectively. Its clients are public safety agencies and its end users the world’s forensic experts engaged in the war on crime — a fact that Forensic Technology’s employees are keenly aware of. For them, it’s not just about bits and bytes, their work has ‘real world’ implications and they understand the company’s mission, its direction and the impact they themselves make on Forensic Technology’s success.

It takes more than goodwill to engage a workforce and it’s that very engagement that “makes the difference between a good company and an outstanding one,” says René Bélanger, General Manager of Forensic Technology. “We work hard to make sure employees feel connected to the mission of the organization,” says Bélanger. Forensic Technology’s key tool in this initiative: its annual business plan which lays out the company’s strategic objectives is presented to the entire company with follow-up sessions held quarterly throughout the year. More than anything, it is the review of the plan and the regular updates that allow employees to feel they are participating in the company’s progress and inspire their on-going commitment.

‘Give and take’ between management and staff is a fundamental at Forensic Technology, according to Bélanger, as is transparency and open lines of communication. Employees are encouraged to comment on business issues that may have an impact on their ability to deliver. They may have new and different ideas on how to achieve results. And an open forum for discussion means employees may step outside the parameters of their formal role to use other skills and expertise. With this heightened level of communication, Forensic Technology’s leadership team instills in its workforce an understanding of how fundamentally valuable and essential they are to the success of the company, which in turn feeds their sense of commitment.

Another way that Forensic Technology works to keep its employees engaged with the company’s mission is through “Value Recognition Days” when speakers are invited to tell success stories from the field. For technology workers this is vital. These first-hand accounts from detectives and prosecutors, victims and their families connect employee with the impact their work makes in real time. In turn, they build a better and clearer understanding of how their work makes an impact on the company’s broader purpose. It encourages employees to make a more meaningful contribution and strengthens their bond to the organization.

Since 2005, morale and engagement has improved steadily at Forensic Technology, which Bélanger attributes to having set a conscious goal of becoming an Employer of Choice. This is the first year the organization has been recognized on the 50 Best List. When asked what other businesses can learn from their success, Bélanger replied: “Humbly, I would say you need to have a feel for what your workforce wants and you need to know your corporate objectives”. Forensic Technology started with focus groups, they listened and got direct feedback. “It was a bit painful at times,” Bélanger admits. But having established benchmarks over the years, they were able to measure their progress. Judging by the company’s ranking at 32nd out of 50 in their first year on the list, it’s safe to say they’ve delivered.

Note: Forensic Technology was Identified as one of the 50 Best Small to Medium Employers in Canada. Similar to the 50 Best Employers Study, this program is open to employers who have 50-399 employees.

Recognized for:

  • Employees are connected to the mission of the organization
  • Business plans and results are shared openly with employees

Industry: Technology, Ballistics & Firearm Identification

Headquarters: Cote-Saint-Luc, QC

No. of Employees: 225

50 Best Employers 2012 Rank: 32nd


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