Running Time: 13 minutes 21 seconds
Canadian Management Centre is pleased to present the Management podcast “How to Bring Back High-Performance Management” with guest Ralph Sink in association with American Management Association.
Ralph Sink is currently a consultant on high-performance systems and is an associate with Generon Consulting in Cambridge, Mass. Mr. Sink is a former manufacturing executive and at DuPont and the former head of human resources at CPFilms, a division of Solutia.
During this podcast, Mr. Sink will not only review his article “My Unfashionable Legacy” but will also discuss his belief in the high-performance systems ap proach to management. Mr. Sink explains that this management approach provides people throughout an origination with the skills, understanding and processes needed to make decisions that will ensure high quality and business success. This is as opposed to having all the ideas and commands flow from the top.
Mr. Sink explains why despite the success’ of high-performance systems, this concept is less fashionable in management circles today than it used to be. He talks about why the next generation of managers, particularly on the operations and shop-floor side, don’t always have the skills and training needed to lead high-performance systems.
Mr. Sink gives real life examples of the challenges that face current organizations when trying to implement high-performance systems and provides the tools needed to make this transition smoothly.