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Recently, while delivering a financial literacy course to a group of General Managers, one of the participants asked me why financial literacy was relevant to his job. "A fair question," I thought to myself, as I proceeded to answer his question by inviting the group to consider the following scenario.
You've just returned to your office on a blustery Monday morning after vacationing in Acapulco. As you settle back in your chair, still reveling in the memory of tequila shooters, your phone screams out, startling you back to reality. It's your boss. He tells you he'll be meeting with the President in thirty minutes to discuss the financial results of your department. But instead of inviting you to explain (or defend) your performance, he nonchalantly tells you that one of the bean counters from accounting will attend the meeting to speak on your behalf. "After all," he quips, "without a basic understanding of your numbers, you might confuse the facts and sound the alarm bell."