In 2010, as Baby Boomers began to approach retirement age, this municipality faced the looming retirement of senior and experienced personnel and a potential shortage of future frontline leaders. One of the largest organizations in the province, this corporation delivers services to citizens across half a dozen functional operating departments, including planning, transit, roads, water, and recreation. With a goal toward delivering a world-class leadership program for its enterprise-wide supervisors and employees, it selected Canadian Management Centre to work with personnel to research, design, develop, and deliver a cohort-based, instructor-led, multi-session leadership development curriculum.
Delivering a solution for the city
Canadian Management Centre worked closely and collaboratively with the corporation, paying close attention to its challenges, as expressed by stakeholders and through needs analysis data collected at the start of the assignment. Then our Talent Development Solution experts designed and created a customized year-long program comprising ten one-day instructor-led sessions.
Our training’s impact
To date, over 1,000 supervisors have graduated from the leadership development program. Feedback across the corporation indicates the initiative has helped improve performance through increased employee retention, better on-the-job supervision, a reduction in supervisor/employee conflict, and greater overall employee engagement and the development of a solid succession pool of future leaders. To quote one senior leader: “Canadian Management Centre has consistently behaved as a strong collaborative partner. Together, we have built a trust-based advisory relationship, where Canadian Management Centre always gives us straightforward practical answers”.
Their workforce has already shifted significantly and this municipality was prepared with a strong leadership pipeline. They continue to enhance the program as the needs of their audience evolves.