In this RealityChek® Conversation, Kevin and Tania discuss what leaders can do right now to pivot their work to respond to the current economic environment. This includes asking yourself the following 8 critical questions.
To calibrate your mindset, ask yourself…
- How proactive are you prepared to be? Will you take no action (and risk failing)? Take little action (and maybe survive)? Or, take the right action and move ahead successfully?
- As it relates to your leadership mindset – are you going to be a victim or a champion? It all comes down to what you choose to focus on.
- As it relates to your organization – Are you going to tread water or innovate?
- As it relates to your team – Are you as a leader going to allow your team to sit in an anxious state or motivate them to succeed?
Further, to pivot your business, ask yourself…
- What’s your (product/service) offer? Consider what you are offering customers and whether you can start a new line of business.
- Who is your customer? Does your primary customer base need to change?
- Is your message still relevant? Most of us are more focused on the immediate, short-term. How is your messaging relating to your customer’s needs?
- Finally, your delivery: how are you delivering now and does this need to change?