Running Time: 12 minutes 22 seconds
Canadian Management Centre is pleased to present the American Management Associations strategic planning podcast Learning From the Worst Business Failures with special guest Paul Carroll.
Paul Carroll is the coauthor of the best selling book Billion-Dollar Lessons and a former Pulitzer Prize nominee as a journalist for The Wall Street Journal.
During this presentation Mr. Carroll will discuss the importance of looking at business failures in order to identify strategies that are prone to failure.
Mr. Carroll will also review the fallacy that execution is the key to a successful business strategy citing professional studies that show the importance of investigating past business failures.
Today Mr. Carroll will outline the two major reasons why companies continue to adopt poor business strategies:
- Personal Psychological Pressures - People often have a unrealistic view of their own capabilities.
- Rationalization of Failure - Laying blame with someone or something else.
Mr. Carroll will prove why looking back at past failures will show that there are some strategies that are prone to disaster no matter how well they are executed.