I never thought I'd see this day. One of my colleagues is taking the week off to - get this - watch the World Cup. Now, if you live in Europe or Asia, this is expected behavior, but I live in the U.S., where the World Cup has historically been about as popular as a case of the croup.
This got me thinking not only about what the U.S. media is calling "World Cup fever" but about how today's businesses are increasingly required to take on a World Cup mindset. That is, they must see the world as a global field with global talent playing to global audiences and markets, a field on which they want to place good leaders who have a firm grasp of the global competitive scene.
Some organizations are working harder than others to adapt to the global playing field. A new i4cp study, commissioned by the American Management Association, found that - among companies with 1,000 or more employees and some degree of multinational presence - only about half have implemented one or more global leadership development programs.