How to Motivate Your Team: Ask, Listen, and Learn

By Canadian Management Centre

How to motivate your teamStudies show that around 80% of workers report their required job skills have changed significantly in recent years. When asked to rank areas for development and improvement, motivation consistently ranks among employees' top five priorities.

In light of such challenges and stressors, what can managers do to keep their team motivated and eager to perform their work? CMC has found that motivating performance starts with three musts for every manager: ask, listen, and learn what motivates team members, the people you depend on to work together to meet goals and deliver results.

Types of motivators

Applying a one-size-fits-all approach to motivation is pointless. Different employees have different needs, especially in today’s emerging remote or hybrid workplace and with today’s increasingly diverse workforce. So, it’s important for managers to ask people about their needs and priorities, really listen to their answers, and learn what they expect and respond to best. While motivators vary, there are three basic types: pre-motivators, external motivators, and internal motivators.

Pre-motivators: Pre-motivators are the foundation of motivation, the fundamentals most professionals expect when they take a job. They include good pay, quality colleagues and leaders, good benefits, and safe working conditions. If a workplace lacks these essential conditions and components, then managers will find it extremely difficult to motivate people.

External motivator: External motivators are factors controlled by the organization, if not the manager. They include promotions and job titles, financial bonuses, and assorted perks and rewards, ranging from restaurant gift certificates to college tuition reimbursement. Another external motivator is a nice work environment, whether the traditional window office or inviting remote workers on-site for a monthly catch-up meeting over a catered lunch.

Internal motivators: Internal motivators are unique to each individual employee. For some people, an internal motivator could be doing interesting, enjoyable work with opportunities for self-expression and creativity; for others, it’s being offered a stretch project that showcases their strengths and leadership potential. Giving team members control over their work location and work schedule and, if possible, which assignments they choose, is also a powerful motivator for many people.

Making a practice of asking, listening, and learning what motivates people is vital. But it isn’t enough to ensure a team’s success. Managers must also become aware of and commit to avoiding de-motivators. Even highly effective external and internal motivators can be canceled out by words and actions that crush people’s motivation. Common demotivators include harsh criticism, making assumptions about people based on stereotypes, and failure to recognize and give a deserving individual credit for their exceptional work.

In today’s workplace and world, managers face increased challenges and pressures to keep their teams motivated. Yet, even with added job demands and while under lots of stress, people will remain motivated to doing the best job possible when managers take the time to ask, listen, and learn about their needs and take the care to treat them with respect.

This article first appeared on and adapted for CMC. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

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